The Discrimination King.....with teeth

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Busy week of the month

Wuah , this week has been very busy , last night I attened a birthday party which threw by my class mate , we just ate satays till midnight (I went back early anyway , hate to let my mom waits) , later tonight I got tuition for my math , after this tomorrow I have to get my Kelisa to service , this time I will be watching weither they going to unscrew the steering wheel and let me drive to my death . Moreover , this Saturday I got school lesson , something have to do about "replacing" lessons in November so we can sit for our exam peacefully . What a busy week I say :/ .

Anyway I wish my comp has that stupid Quick Time program so I can fucking watch the trailer of Star Wars Epidoe III !!!! Why the fuck nobody wanna install this shit ?! HUH ?! HUH ?! HHHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHH ??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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