The Discrimination King.....with teeth

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Wanted to write this for some time. While I was busy practicing guitar to get ready for my first and final (heh, see first) stage appearance, one of my senior, who happened to be involved in that concert chatted up with the girl who too happen to be singing the song I am playing on that night.

He explained to her about the band, which was "t3h most dangerous band in the 80s" and how they reduce to nothing but a joke in this millennium due to constant delay of their new album and the control freak-ness of the lead singer. What surprised me was he, beaming with confidence, said that the lead singer just passed away recently due to OD. I couldn't help but to chip in, trying to counter his claim with my superior music knowledge(well, not in term of theory). I thought he was joking, or mistake for another band but no, he still insist that his claim was true, without even winking at me to confirm his joke or he was just trying to impress her.

I thought I made a mistake, I went looking through the cyberspace and presto, if they heard what he said, he better be praying which heaven he is going.....

Wanna know what song I played on El3ment Night ?

Nope, I am not pro enough, far from it. I played together with friend and that senior who had to endure my noobness. Lastly, I want to thank both of them for their patience and writing down the chord I need to pluck instead of strum. Yes, Classical players are a bunch of bore. :D

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