There's 2 or 3 more weeks to the year of 2008, and the Chinese zodiac comes full circle, so say hello to the year of the Rat. It reminds me of 1996 alot, bad memories I tell you, especially at primary school, where I had my first experience of being in a so-called elite class. Stuck up mandarin teacher, who constantly punished me for my hand writing, bad math results and mandarin (I still speak like a fucking Chinese today, eat that, bitch !! I hope you choke). I was also humiliated by girls for my hand writing, my overweight body and my clumsiness. Can they blame me for my slowness in adapting to this hostile environment at the young age ? I got last place for countless times at every exam, hence like any English soccer teams that performed badly, I was relegated to a so-called failure class on the next year, which I can say I never regret at all for dropping out of "elite class", for I recovered my freedom.
Comparing today's me and the 10 years old me, I amazed how I have changed. I still talk to the same girls who embarrassed me almost a decade ago without any hard feelings (and I have better life than them I dare say), I can take all the shit people throw at me, I am mature enough, and conscious enough to know what I am doing, and lastly my hand writing is still remain pretty.
So why I am worried ?
Perhaps it's my instinct, I hate to trust my instinct, for it always wrong. However I can't help but being cautious for next year, especially my health and safety, that's what according to someone's prediction to my zodiac (if you don't know yet, I was borned in the year of Tiger, that's why I like pussy so much). If my life can be that suck 11 years ago, it could happen again next year, to ruin my life, beside my already ruin relationship, which "that person"predicted that those who are single will remain that status for the rest of the year.
So should worry too much ?
No way. I got my studies and my hobbies to focus on. I have been gradually increasing my confidence and courage to do things. I believe I am better prepared, I believe I will expect the unexpected, I believe I can be optimist about my life ahead next year. If things got me down, I will stand up again, like I always do, for my luck has always been hard since birth. I am slow, but I am not retard. I know what I am doing.
Bring it, bitch.
Now I got this out of my chest, I will continue this looking back by recap my life in 2007. Laters.